Thursday, January 29, 2009

Heaps and keen, keen and heaps....

It has officially been one week since I arrived in Australia.....I can't believe it is already one week. It feels like just yesterday I was at work dreaming about Australia. I literally pinch myself every day to make sure I am here.

This week I have surfed almost every day. The water is refreshing but I can't say it's warm. Everyone says if you travel north to Queensland then the water will be warm but for now the water is perfect. Its been extremely windy though with winds from the North East. When the winds come from that direction they bring the nasty blue bottle jelly fish that sting. No thank you. For those of you who are wondering what I am talking about here's a picture:

I had my first Australia BBQ on Sunday and it was so good....or rather heaps good. Jeremy, Jess' fiance, bbq'ed and we all sat on the patio enjoying the day. The weather has been nearly perfect and its been nice to sit, relax, and enjoy the day. Its definitely been a slower pace since I left San Diego but I realize that I've needed it.

On Monday, January 26th was Australia Day. It is a major holiday that everyone's like the 4th of July. Everyone gets very patriotic and wears the Australian Flag. It was the day that Captain James Cook discovered Australia however many years ago. That day we went down the harbour to watch the Aquathon that many people compete in. We came back to the harbour that night to enjoy the fireworks. It was about 15 minutes of fireworks that are choreographed to songs by Australian artists. One of the songs was on a mixed CD that my friend Belinda had made for me. I used to listen to this song in my truck back in San Diego to get me pysched on my new adventure. I got a little teary knowing that I was finally here in Australia. celebrate Australia Day I put fake tatoos on me and I walked around with an Australian flag. I chanted along to AUSSIE, AUSSIE, AUSSIE....OI OI OI. It was a great day!

This weekend I am heading north with Ashleigh to Newcastle. Its on the other side of Sydney. Some say that Newcastle and Wollongong are the roses between the thorn....Sydney. I'll let you know how it goes!

Oh yeah, the heaps and keen are the most frequently used words by ALL Australians. Its funny to always hear them but I have found myself using them heaps. :)

Cheers mate, Cindy

Oh yeah and some pics to go along:

My first Aussie BBQ

Holden Classic Cars. This ones for Dad and Uncle Detlef

Ashleigh and the Aussie Flag

The girls and I at the harbour

The fireworks display

Friday, January 23, 2009

My first blog!

How do you start one of these???????

Well most of you know that I have arrived in Australia. I took off Wednesday night from LAX with tears in my eyes not knowing what lies ahead. I literally cried myself to sleep which was great because I had 14 hours on a plane with nothing to do. I arrived in Sydney Friday morning and as the plane was descending I saw the south eastern coastline of Australia and knew in my heart that it was going to be a great adventure. I made it through customs and was waiting for my luggage. I went to get my board bag from oversized luggage place and could barely carry my board through the airport. I brought my 9'0 longboard and lil fishy. Everyone was staring at me and 3 different airport officials helped me carry it through the gates. I walked over to the cell phone place and got a mobile. My next step was to go online to get the phone numbers of my friends Jess and Ash who were picking me up from the airport and of course I couldn't get online. After struggling for an hour I gave up on the internet and just as I did Jess and her fiance Jeremy were walking right in front of me. I ran up to her and gave her a huge hug. I had finally arrived.

Jess and Ash live with their mom (mum) Lesley in Wollongong which is an hour an a half drive south of Sydney. They live right by the beach in a beautiful home. I've been surfing the last few days since I have been here and the water is refreshing but not warm. I'm not wearing a wetsuit so I will count my blessings. Its been an adjustment to hear the accent and I feel so rude asking everyone to repeat what they are saying but everyone is so understanding. Every time someone hears I am from America they tell their story of when they came to America, where they went, where they lived and the different things they loved to do. Australians are so nice and laid back....they really are interested in the things I have to say.

One other thing I have gotten a lot of questions about is, "So, did you vote for Obama? Do you like Obama? Did you dance or party when you found out he was president?" It has been so funny to hear their perspective of the election and the different things the media has been telling them. I wonder if that will die down as we move away from the inauguration.  Who likes talking about politics anyway?

Jetlag hasn't been as harsh as I thought. I make myself stay up until 10pm so that I can have a full nights sleep to take on the next day. I wake up at 5:30 in the morning and am hungry. I know its all a part of the adjustment. Next on the agenda is Australia Day. Its on the 26th and everyone gets very patriotic and has bbqs on the beach. I will make sure to take some photos and post them.

This is my first blog and so I ask for your patience. I may not be the best writer but I figure if I post tons of pictures eventually you will love my blog.  I would love to hear from you all. I miss you all but I know Australia is where I am supposed to be. 

Until next time and with lots of love, Cindy

PS: Jess was walking to her room last night after we got back from dinner and i followed her to drop off something in her room. She screamed bloody murder and so did I as I ran to Ashleigh's room and jumped up on her bed. She had a nasty cucaracha on her arm. Lesley came down to find out what all the commotion was about and none of us wanted to walk out and tell her about the cock-roach. She tried to kill it but it crawled into a crevice in the wall. If you didn't know I am not a fan of spiders, bugs, snakes, anything with poison involved. 

Here are some pics.....

This is Makena and I at my going away party. She was the guest of honor

She is watching you

I finished my packing early

This was the sunrise from the plane.

My new friend